For Mario Jaramillo, mountains and light have led him on a personal journey through various natural parks in Utah (United States) and Colombia.It is imperative to reflect on the concept of nature from an autumn’s perspective, conveying to his  photographs their own meaning and story.

In this exhibition, the mountain is life itself, and on his way to the summit, Mario reflects on the seasons as intertwining cycles of life. Spring arrives with birth, fog appears to light the sunrise with its faint and reduced light intensity. Summer’s light dazzles the eyes with pure life energy. Autumn, with its awareness, makes the light more subtle, the colors cease to be so bright, blending yellow, red, and white sunsets, resembling the “frailejon” flower the native plant of the Colombian paramos. Winter is the end. The end of many endings, cycles, or a definitive one.

For Mario, the challenge is life itself, the mountain, and the stories it evokes.

Path to the mountain

Zion National Park, Utah, USA

Light and fog at dawn

Pradera de Potosi, La Calera, Colombia

Heading to the Summit



Pradera de Potosi, La Calera, Colombia

Autumn curtain

Chingaza National Park, La Calera, Colombia

Sky in the mountains

Alto de San José de la Montaña, Belén, Colombia

Winter in sight

Arches National Park, Utah, USA

Sacred lagoon

Siecha Ancestral Lakes , Guasca, Colombia

Gaze Toward the Summit

Capitol Reef National Park, Utah, USA

Mountains in the sky

Sierra La Sal, Utah, USA

The weight of winter

Arches National Park, Utah, USA

Tree of wisdom

Zion National Park, Utah, USA