I am a Colombian photographer specializing in conceptual nature photography. Each photograph has allowed me to connect with and become involved in the experiences I have lived, preserving what I see through the lens as an art form. The ideas behind my photographic works gain meaning from the moment I connect with the landscape and nature.

With over 20 years of experience as a photographer, I have encountered numerous unique and unrepeatable moments, both near my home in La Calera (on the outskirts of Bogotá) and during my travels to remote areas of the southern hemisphere, deserts, and natural parks across various continents. My work addresses themes that prompt reflection, materializing feelings, moments, and aesthetics that awaken us to inner dimensions, connecting us with ourselves, others, and our environment.

Each exhibition presents a challenge: to evoke sensations in the viewers that lead them to interpret the world and human reality through a lens of wonder, which they will find in every photograph. Each photograph embodies an artistic process and personal experiences that symbolize a concept of life. In some cases, this concept is conveyed through writing, moments of silence, or sometimes music.